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     Ron Paul Zombies
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Monday, October 1, 2007
What they lack in brains they make up for in persistence...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
That explains why he's near that pond in his TV ad...

Friday, October 5, 2007
Maybe Perot will come back, too...



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October 1, 2007: Mitch: I can't figure out the solution to this Rubik's Cube. Ron Paul zombie #1: Ron Paul! Ron Paul zombie #2: Ron Paul knows how to fix it! Ron Paul zombie #3: Ron Paul can solve all problems! Will: Ron Paul zombies. Mitch: They're not after my brains, are they? Ron Paul zombie #3: Ron Paul says blue face first! October 3, 2007: Mitch: I ditched the Ron Paul zombies. Who's this guy? Al: That's Mike Gravel. Mitch: What is he staring at? Al: Dunno. Some say he's showing resolve. Some say he's deep in thought. Some say-- Mitch: He's a frog! Al: Zombies. Bug eaters. This election has it all! October 5, 2007: Mitch: Ron Paul has zombies, Mike Gravel is secretly a frog. What's happened to politics? Why can't we have good candidates like in the past instead of all these fringe, whacko nuts like-- Ralph Nader: I'm back for 2008! Mitch: Shut up, Nader.